253 research outputs found

    Menuju Demokrasi dengan Teknologi Informasi

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    Proses demokrasi di Indonesia bertambah tahun bertambah warna. Pesona demokrasi membuat partisipasi partai politik bertambah dan berkurang silih berganti. Hal menarik ketika pesona demokrasi ini dilihat dalam pandangan bisnis, politik, dan rakyat. Dalam pandangan bisnis, pesta demokrasi banyak memberikan manfaat pada unit bisnis kecil hingga besar. Percetakan, spanduk, televisi, radio hingga artis banyak meraup keuntungan dari demokrasi ini. Tidak terkecuali dalam bidang teknologi informasi. Banyak sekali aplikasi teknologi informasi yang dibangun/menunjang proses demokrasi. Produk teknologi informasi ini bisa kita sebut edemocracy. Dalam konteks edemocracy, beberapa produk teknologi informasi diantaranya yang banyak dipakai adalah aplikasi quick count. Aplikasi ini bisa berupa SMS gateway,WAP, ataupun Web database application.Dalam pandangan politik golongan (partai atau caleg), teknologi informasi digunakan sebagai alat kampanye dan propoganda. Pengumpulan massa maupun anggota banyak dilakukan dengan menggunakan teknologi informasi. Produk teknologi informasi yang banyak dipakai untuk kepentingan politik biasanya dalam bentuk portal , chatting, email, blog dan juga bisa berupa aplikasi SMS gateway. Dari pandangan rakyat, proses demokrasi yang baik akan berujung pada kesejahteraan bangsa. Dalam artian sederhana, proses itu dapat diawali dengan memberikan hak suaranya pilkada, pemilu maupun pilpres. Peran serta rakyat dalam memilih presiden, partai atau caleg, perlulah berdasarkan atas performa, kejujuran,dan nilai moral yang tinggi dari individu maupun partai politik. Pertanyaannya adalah, seberapa tepat dan benar informasi yang dimiliki rakyat sehingga rakyat mengetahui bahwa yang caleg atau partai yang dipilihnya itu adalah sesuai dengan tujuan akhir kesejahteraan dan kemakmuran bangsa? Dari ketiga pandangan diatas, kemunculan teknologi informasi diharapkan memberikan efek yang baik. Tapi seperti apakah secara umum karakteristik teknologi informasi yang dapat dibangun dalam konteks edemocracy? Bagaimana sebaiknya infrastruktur TI itu direncanakan dan dibangun sehingga data yang bernilai strategis dikirim dan dikelola bisa tetap aman, selalu tersedia, mempunyai performa yang tinggi, serta mempunyai ketepatan hasil analisa

    Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Savi Berbasis Multimedia terhadap Minat dan Prestasi Belajar Mahasiswa pada Mata Kuliah Media Pembelajaran

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis perbedaan minat dan prestasi belajar pada mata kuliah media pembelajaran antara mahasiswa yang mengikuti model pembelajaran SAVI berbasis multimedia dengan mahasiswa yang mengikuti model pembelajaran konvensional. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh mahasiswa angkatan 2014 tahun pelajaran 2014/2015 sebanyak 231 mahasiswa. Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah random sampling dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 90 mahasiswa. Data minat belajar dikumpulkan menggunakan kuesioner dan prestasi belajar mahasiswa dikumpulkan melalui tes. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan statistik deskriptif dan MANOVA. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) terdapat perbedaan minat belajar antara mahasiswa yang mengikuti model pembelajaran SAVI berbasis multimedia dengan mahasiswa yang mengikuti model pembelajaran konvensional dimana harga F 19.620 < 0.05, (2) terdapat perbedaan prestasi belajar antara mahasiswa yang mengikuti model pembelajaran SAVI berbasis multimedia dengan mahasiswa yang mengikuti model pembelajaran konvensional dimana hasil uji multivariate test menghasilkan harga F 32.940 < 0.05, (3) terdapat perbedaan minat dan prestasi belajar mahasiswa secara simultan antara mahasiswa yang mengikuti model pembelajaran SAVI berbasis multimedia dengan mahasiswa yang mengikuti model pembelajaran konvensional dimana uji manova menghasilkan harga F 28.470 < 0.05

    Studi Absorpsi Co2 Menggunakan Kolom Gelembung Berpancaran Jet (Jet Bubble Column)

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    A Study of CO2 Absorption Using Jet Bubble Column. The phenomenon of plunging jet gas-liquid contact occurs quite often in nature, it's momentum carries small air bubbles with it into the reactor medium. The momentum of the liquid stream can be sufficient to carry small bubbles completely to the bottom of the vessel. A stream of liquid falling toward a level surface of that liquid will pull the surrounding air along with it. It will indent the surface of the liquid to form a trumpet-like shape. If the velocity of the stream is high enough, air bubbles will be pulled down, i.e. entrained into the liquid. This happens for two main reasons: air that is trapped between the edge of the falling stream and the trumpet-shaped surface profile and is carried below the surface. This study investigates the potential of a vertical liquid plunging jet for a pollutant contained gas absorption technique. The absorber consists of liquid jet and gas bubble dispersed phase. The effects of operating variables such as liquid flowrate, nozzle diameter, separator pressure, etc. on gas entrainment and holdup were investigated. The mass transfer of the system is governed by the hydrodynamics of the system. Therefore a clear and precise understanding of the above is necessary : to characterize liquid and gas flow within the system, 2. Variation in velocity of the jet with the use of different nozzle diameters and flow rates, 3. Relationship between the liquid and entrained airflow rate, 4. Gas entrainment rate and gas void fraction

    Penerapan Operation Costing Dan Kaitannya Dengan Keakuratan Penetapan Harga Jual (Case Study at PT X β€” a Finishing Company in Printing Industries in Bandung)

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    Pricing Decision is influenced by several factors, Le: cost, competitor and customer. In pricing decision process, its really important for companies to be able to accurately calculate its product costs so that the profile of product profitability could be figured. Many methods are available to be used in calculating product costs. One of the methods is Operation costing method, which is a hybrid costing system that is applied to batch of similar but not identic products. Operation costing is a combination of process costing and job-order costing methods. Operation costing assigns direct material cost to the products using job-order costing method and conversion cost assigned using process costing method. With the application of operation costing at this finishing company, the cost assignment process to the products could be more accurate and also the pricing decision

    Aplikasi Bantu untuk Pengajuan Sertifikasi Guru

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    Upaya pemerintah untuk meningkatkan kualitas guru maka dilakukan program sertifikasi guru diseluruh wilayah Indonesia. Program sertifikasi guru sangat bermanfaat bagi kemajuan pendidikan nasional dan mensejahterakan guru diseluruh Indonesia. Dengan penyeleksian seluruh guru yang terdaftar di Dinas Pendidikan wilayah Indonesia untuk mendapatkan sertifikasi dari Dinas Pendidikan Indonesia. Banyak data peserta setifikasi guru dan tidak jelasnya kriteria dalam penyeleksian sertifikasi guru yang dilakukan oleh panitia penyeleksian sertifikasi menimbulkan ketidak akuratan data peserta yang layak untuk disertifikasi, sehingga menimbulkan kesenjangan bagi guru yang seharusnya layak untuk disertifikasi.Tahap pengembangan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini, menggunakan model Sequensial Linier yang diawali dengan tahap analisis sistem yaitu analisis deskripsi kebutuhan sistem, perancangan model keputusan sistem, perancangan algoritma, pembuatan diagram konteks, data flow diagram, entity relationship diagram, dan tahap perancangan sistem yang meliputi spesifikasi proses, perancangan mapping table dan perancanggan menu antarmuka. Dalam proses penilaian sertifikasi guru menggunakan metode logika fuzzy dengan menghitung nilai derajat keangotaan dari himpunan fuzzy sertifikasi guru. Setelah tahap perancangan selesai maka dilanjutkan pada tahap implemetasi dan pengujian aplikasi. Aplikasi ini menggunakan Borland Delphi 7 sebagai skrip pemrograman dan MySQL sebagai database engine.Hasil penelitian ini berupa aplikasi bantu untuk pengajuan sertifikasi guru yang hasilnya dapat membantu petugas pemerintah daerah bagian kepegawaian untuk membantu menentukan guru yang dipioritaskan disertifikasi dan menghasilkan laporan sertifikasi guru yang lebih efektif dan akurat

    Penerapan Operation Costing Dan Kaitannya Dengan Keakuratan Penetapan Harga Jual (Case Study at PT X β€” a Finishing Company in Printing Industries in Bandung)

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    Pricing Decision is influenced by several factors, Le: cost, competitor and customer. In pricing decision process, it\u27s really important for companies to be able to accurately calculate its product costs so that the profile of product profitability could be figured. Many methods are available to be used in calculating product costs. One of the methods is Operation costing method, which is a hybrid costing system that is applied to batch of similar but not identic products. Operation costing is a combination of process costing and job-order costing methods. Operation costing assigns direct material cost to the products using job-order costing method and conversion cost assigned using process costing method. With the application of operation costing at this finishing company, the cost assignment process to the products could be more accurate and also the pricing decision

    Desain Model Smarthome System Berbasis Mikrokontroler Atmega8535

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    Smarthome system is the computer-based system to regulate the house that will give comfort, safety, security, and energy saving, in which it was held automatically programmed by computer. This is motivated by the limited sources of energy such as electricity or other energy, so we have to be really efficient in energy use. In this study, the smarthome system that is designed is to be used to adjust the lighting of the room, opening and closing of the gate system, switching on and off water pump system, and roof of clothes line system. In this study, we started to design a model of smarthome system by using SolidWorks software, then we create a model smarthome system using acrylic. After that, we started to programme with a CodeVisionAVR software for ATmega8535 microcontroller as brain of smarthome system. Based on the testing results that has been done, the model smarthome system is able to save electricity USAge of about 28.8 percent of the ordinary house with the assumption that we se

    Modeling of Tree Growth After Forest Fire in Mount Ciremai National Park, Indonesia

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    Forest fire is a massive threat towards tropical forest causing various negative impacts to nature and human being. Forest fire often leads to alteration of forest structure and its functions. This study of tree growth after forest fire was conducted using a model simulation. The model was performed at the individual level of plant community and built to analyze the potential of tree growth and its scenario for post-fire recovery. Five important tree species from montane forest of Mount Ciremai were chosen to build the model based on four main parameters i.e. plant growth rate, diameter at breast height (DBH), tree-to-grass competition and tree-to-tree competition. The scenario of post-fire recovery was performed by replanting similar species with 5 cm DBH seedling. Prediction from our model showed that most of the chosen species would recover to its pre-fire condition after 37 - 50 years. Considering the limitation of competition after re-planting, it was suggested to minimize tree to tree competition and applied silvicultural treatments to maximize tree growth and tree community recovery

    Peran Penambahan Jumlah Endorser terhadap Perubahan Persepsi Responden Akan Kekuatan Iklan (suatu Studi Kasus pada Media Audio)

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    In the advertising, a certain style of executing messages can be encountered based on testimonial evidence. As regards testimonial evidence, the marketing party involved can employ several endorsers or make use of only one in advertisements to deliver the message. The focus of study is on the extent to which messages' strength in term of attractiveness, convincingness, believability and persuasiveness can be altered by an increase in the number of endorsers. The research will test both messages that are perceived of having low quality persuasion and those are perceived of having high quality. The messages of the commercials are presented in audio-based commercials, a type of commercial that can only be heard by the respondents who cannot see the actual speaker's face

    Pengaruh Peningkatan Jumlah Pembawa Pesan terhadap Tingkat Kognitif Responden pada Media Audio

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    In the advertising, a certain style of executing messages can be encountered based on testimonial evidence. As regards testimonial evidence, the marketing party involved can employ several endorsers or make use of only one in advertisements to deliver the message. The focus of study is on the extent to which people's cognitive response are affected by an increase in the number of endorsers and by the differentiation in the perceived quality of the commercials presented in audio-based commercials, a type of commercial that can only be heard by the respondents who cannot see the actual speaker's face
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